PCI DSS Documentation for [Application Name]

This document aims to provide a clear understanding of how your application meets the requirements of PCI DSS. Be sure to document every relevant aspect, and always verify your compliance with a qualified security assessor.

Table of Contents

  1. Application Overview
  2. Data Flows
  3. Payment Connections
  4. Interconnections with Other Systems
  5. Third-Party Services
  6. Security Measures and Controls
  7. Team Members and Responsibilities
  8. Incident Response Plan
  9. Change Management
  10. Application Vulnerability Management
  11. Training and Awareness
  12. Regular Reviews and Audits
  13. Related PCI DSS Requirements

1. Application Overview

Application Name:

Application Purpose:

Application Environment (Development, Staging, Production):

Application Version:

Last Update:

Brief description of the application, its purpose, main functions, and the types of data it handles.

2. Data Flows

  • A comprehensive diagram and description of how data flows through the system, including all points where cardholder data is stored, processed, or transmitted.

2.1 Data Flow Diagram

  • (Insert data flow diagram here)

2.2 Data Flow Description

  • (Provide a detailed description of each data flow represented in the diagram)

3. Payment Connections

  • Detailed description of how the application connects with payment systems, including the technologies and protocols used, any use of encryption methods, and how the cardholder data is protected during transmission.

Encryption Methods Used:

Type of Encryption:

Certificate Inventory:

Expiration Dates:

(Provide a detailed description of each certificate used in the payment connection process)

4. Interconnections with Other Systems

  • Detailed description and diagram of how the application connects and interacts with other systems, including any systems that store, process, or transmit cardholder data, as well as any systems that could impact the security of the cardholder data environment.

Encryption Methods Used:

Type of Encryption:

Certificate Inventory:

Expiration Dates:

(Provide a detailed description of each certificate used in the interconnection process)

5. Third-Party Services

  • List and descriptions of any third-party services that interact with or handle payment data. Include how it interacts with your application and any relevant PCI DSS information.

6. Security Measures and Controls

  • Details about security measures in place to protect cardholder data within the application, such as encryption methods, firewall configurations, intrusion detection systems, etc. This section should also include an inventory of all encryption keys and certificates, including the type/strength of encryption and expiration dates.

Encryption Methods Used:

Type of Encryption:

Certificate and Key Inventory:

Expiration Dates:

(Provide a detailed description of each encryption method and certificate used within the application)

7. Team Members and Responsibilities

  • A list of team members involved in the development, maintenance, and security of the application, along with their roles and responsibilities.




Contact Information:

8. Incident Response Plan

  • Overview of the incident response plan in the event of a security breach. This aligns with PCI DSS Requirement 12.10.

9. Change Management

  • Document how changes to the application are managed, particularly changes that might affect the application’s security or PCI DSS compliance.

10. Application Vulnerability Management

  • Explain how vulnerabilities in the application are identified, tracked, and mitigated. This aligns with PCI DSS Requirement 6 on developing and maintaining secure systems and applications.

11. Training and Awareness

  • Details about training and awareness programs in place for staff members involved with the application, including their frequency and scope. This aligns with PCI DSS Requirement 12 about maintaining an information security policy.

12. Regular Reviews and Audits

  • Outline the process for regular reviews and audits of the application to ensure ongoing PCI DSS compliance.
  • A list of the relevant PCI DSS requirements that apply to the application, along with a brief description of how the application complies with each requirement.

PCI DSS Requirement:

Compliance Description: