Document Title: Extended Color Coding Standard for PCI DSS Diagrams, Drawings, and Documentation

Version: 1.3

Effective Date: [insert effective date]

Review Cycle: Annually, or upon significant changes to the network environment.

Approver: [insert role]

Document Owner: [insert role]

1. Introduction

This document introduces the expanded color coding standard used for PCI DSS required and suggested diagrams, drawings, and documentation. This standard facilitates visually distinguishing the various elements of our organization’s systems and networks, including but not limited to, Cardholder Data Environment (CDE), support of CDE, wireless networks, corporate networks, external connections, data flow (both encrypted and non-encrypted), data stores, processes, network security controls, demilitarized zone (DMZ), and cloud components. This version also includes new color codes for application layer, user access levels, risk levels, data classification, physical/virtual differentiation, and critical assets.

2. Scope

This standard applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party service providers who prepare, review, or interpret diagrams and documentation related to the Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) and associated networks in our organization.

3. Color Coding Standard

  • Cardholder Data Environment (CDE): Dark Red (#990000)
  • Support Network: Light Blue (#66CCFF)
  • Corporate Network: Light Green (#99FF99)
  • External Entities: Purple (#9933FF)
  • Data Flows: Dark Gray (#666666)
  • Data Stores: Light Gray (#CCCCCC)
  • Processes: Light Yellow (#FFFF99)
  • Network Security Controls: Light Red (#FFCCCC)
  • Clear Network Transmission: Light Blue (#66CCFF)
  • Encrypted Transmission: Dark Blue (#000099)
  • Demilitarized Zone (DMZ): Dark Green (#006400)
  • Cloud Components: Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
  • Applications (Non-Cardholder Data): Light Brown (#D2B48C)
  • Applications (Cardholder Data): Dark Brown (#8B4513)
  • User Access Levels: Different shades can be used to indicate user roles. For instance, Deep Pink (#FF1493) for administrative users, Medium Purple (#9370DB) for general users, and Pale Green (#98FB98) for external users.
  • Risk Levels: Use a gradient from Light Green (#90EE90) to Dark Red (#8B0000) to indicate low to high risk.
  • Data Classification: Data types could be represented by different colors such as Cadet Blue (#5F9EA0) for confidential data and Light Cyan (#E0FFFF) for public data.
  • Physical/Virtual Devices: Use Forest Green (#228B22) for physical devices and Medium Aquamarine (#66CDAA) for virtual machines.
  • Critical Assets: Identify critical systems or data stores with a unique color like Crimson (#DC143C).

4. Implementation Guidelines

  • All PCI DSS-related diagrams must comply with this color coding standard.
  • In case of overlapping systems or networks, priority should be given to the higher security level (e.g., CDE).
  • Key or legend must be included in all diagrams to ensure clarity and universal understanding.
  • Consult this document during the creation or revision of any PCI DSS-related diagrams.

5. Exceptions

Any exceptions to these standards must be approved in writing by the [insert role]. Requests for exceptions must include a justification, proposed alternatives, and a risk assessment.

6. Enforcement

Non-compliance with this standard may result in disciplinary actions up to and

including termination.

7. Review and Updates

This document will be reviewed annually and updated as required. Changes to this document must follow the Change Control Process outlined in Section 8.

8. Change Control Process

  1. Request: Any changes to this standard must be formally requested by an authorized person, with a detailed justification.
  2. Review: The request will be reviewed by the appropriate stakeholders (e.g., Security Officer, Compliance Officer).
  3. Approval/Rejection: After a comprehensive review, the request will either be approved or rejected.
  4. Implementation: If approved, the change will be implemented and the document will be updated.
  5. Communication: Changes will be communicated to all affected parties.

9. Document History

  • Version 1.0: [insert date and brief description of creation]
  • Version 1.1: [insert date and brief description of changes]
  • Version 1.2: [insert date and brief description of changes]
  • Version 1.3: [insert date and brief description of changes]

End of Document


[Approver’s Name, Role]


Revision History:

Version Date Description of changes Updated by
1.0 [insert date] Document creation [insert name]
1.1 [insert date] Addition of new color codes [insert name]
1.2 [insert date] Inclusion of DMZ and Cloud color codes [insert name]
1.3 [insert date] Inclusion of additional color codes for application layer, user access levels, risk levels, data classification, physical/virtual differentiation, and critical assets [insert name]