Max Chip’s Security Background Report & Employment History

Personal Details

  • Full Name: Maximillian “Max” Chip
  • Date of Birth: [Redacted]
  • Nationality: [Redacted]

Educational Background

  • High School: Crypton High School, Crypton.
  • College: Attended Securis University, Securis (Incomplete degree)


  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)


  • Strong knowledge of payment card industry data security standards (PCI DSS)
  • Expertise in cybersecurity and cryptographic systems
  • Proficient in fintech systems and emerging payment technologies
  • Excellent communication and storytelling abilities

Employment History

Position: Computer Technician

  • Company: Crypton Computer Store, Crypton
  • Duration: During high school
  • Responsibilities:
    • Servicing early Apple products (Apple II, III, Lisa)

Position: Computer Store Associate

  • Company: Securis Computer Distributor, Securis
  • Duration: During college
  • Responsibilities:
    • Assisting with computer distribution and customer service

Position: Founder and Consultant

  • Company: Chip Computer Consulting, Securis
  • Duration: [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Providing IT consulting services for financial and government clients

Position: LAN Services Manager

  • Company: County of Securis, Securis
  • Duration: [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Managing LAN services for the entire county

Position: IT Infrastructure Manager

  • Company: Securis Court System, Securis
  • Duration: [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Managing the technology infrastructure of the local court system

Position: Directory Services and Messaging Platform Manager

  • Company: Global Financial Organization [Redacted]
  • Duration: [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Managing the directory services and messaging platform

Position: Information Security Consultant and Assessor (Including PCI DSS QSA)

  • Company: [Redacted]
  • Duration: [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Assessing various organizations, ranging from global merchants and service providers to well-funded startups, for information security and PCI DSS compliance

Position: Founder and Owner

  • Company: The Payment Security Lounge, FinTechia
  • Duration: Ongoing since [Redacted]
  • Responsibilities:
    • Leading and managing the overall operations
    • Ensuring the establishment maintains PCI DSS compliance
    • Overseeing the creation of innovative cocktail ingredients, despite not drinking himself
    • Fostering an environment where fintech and secure payment technologies are accessible and enjoyable for patrons

Security Background Checks

  • Has successfully passed all necessary background checks to conduct PCI DSS audits as a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)


  • Available upon request.