SEO article summary:

Discover effective strategies to streamline your annual PCI DSS assessment, focusing on Requirement 12.1. This guide offers insights into meeting and surpassing the information security policy requirements.

In the world of payment card security, the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) annual assessment is a pivotal event. Of the myriad requirements to navigate, Requirement 12.1—Maintaining an Information Security Policy—can pose unique challenges.

Requirement 12.1 is more than a box to check; it’s an ongoing commitment to a robust security culture. Let’s unpack its key sub-requirements and help you prepare for a successful assessment.

12.1.1 – Establish, Publish, Maintain, Disseminate

Your organization needs an established, published, and maintained Information Security Policy that is disseminated to all relevant personnel, vendors, and business partners. This policy should be easily accessible, widely distributed, and updated regularly.

12.1.2 – Regular Reviews and Updates

Ensure your Information Security Policy is reviewed at least once every 12 months and updated as needed. This practice keeps your policy aligned with changes to business objectives or risk environment. Mark your calendar for regular reviews, record these sessions meticulously, and document any changes made.

12.1.3 – Define and Acknowledge Roles and Responsibilities

Your Information Security Policy must clearly define roles and responsibilities related to information security for all personnel. An effective way to ensure compliance with this sub-requirement is through regular training and acknowledgment forms that personnel sign to confirm they understand their responsibilities.

12.1.4 – Assign Responsibility

Finally, the responsibility for information security should be formally assigned to a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or another information security-knowledgeable member of executive management. This ensures accountability at the highest level and champions a culture of security throughout the organization.

The PCI DSS assessment may seem overwhelming, but with preparation and a clear understanding of Requirement 12.1, you’re setting your organization up for success. Start today—review your Information Security Policy, schedule its next review, clarify roles and responsibilities, and ensure responsibility for information security is at the executive level. Your journey to a compliant and secure environment starts with a strong Information Security Policy.


Successfully meeting PCI DSS Requirement 12.1 is about proactively maintaining an Information Security Policy, conducting regular reviews, clarifying roles, and ensuring responsibility at the executive level. Start preparing today for a smoother annual assessment tomorrow.

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This article provides guidance on preparing for the annual PCI DSS assessment. However, every organization’s situation will differ. Always consult with your trusted PCI DSS QSA or another knowledgeable advisor to understand how these requirements apply to your unique circumstances.